
Join Us at

Olle Nyman Memorial Show!

Discover the magic of the Olle Nyman Memorial Show at our upcoming event!



2 May, 2025

Helsingborg Arena

About Olle Nyman

Olle Nyman was a rare talent and a colorful musician. He was one of the foremost practitioners of classical jazz and barbershop singing. Olle was a particularly vibrant and educated person, always with a laugh prepared. Always willing to help out, whether it was a rapid response on banjo, guitar or piano or something personal. He was always upbeat and eager, but still thinking and nuanced.

Olle was one of the founders of the barbershop organization SNOBS where he was active up to his passing, he was also a highly competent quartet singer in various different configurations, and has competed with great success both in SNOBS and in the United States. His medal collection is digest. He has also been constantly active in the EntertainMen and always been a brilliant tenor. He was easily recognized by his characteristic mustache, sometimes with his banjo, and with his constant proximity to both spontaneous singing and not least his laugh.

Olle has also composed a number of well-known barbershop arrangements that have been sung over the years around the world. Some of his arrangements have been published in BHS "Gold Medal Series", organized accompaniment collections where the best arrangements from that particular year was selected. "Anthem" has, among other, become very popular in recent years.

Olle Nyman was born in Stockholm in 1942 as one of five siblings, in a family full of music. After high school Olle got a pol. mag degree at the Stockholm University and then worked for a long more or less all his life with information at "the Statistics Sweden", or "Sadistic Central Bureau", as Olle with his grim humour would call it on an uphill day. His sense of humor was certainly much appreciated in his broad environment.

Olle learned as a teenager to skillfully play both ragtime piano, as well as warbling banjo and the guitar, which gave a rich character and color to many Dixie bands at famous stages as Nalen, Gazell, Stampen and other jazz scenes around the Stockholm area. And although he had his family based in Rönninge, he made many tours around the world. His extensive knowledge of the instruments led to a considerable banjo- and guitar collection, and his music is preserved on several recordings.
Being called a "musician", is a title of honor among musicians. A "musician" is a person who is passionate about, and who brings life to the music, someone who excites the audiences ... without a fanfare. Olle was a true "musician".

Olle´s wife Ulla is still active in Rönninge Show Chorus, and his daughters Anna Rosenberg Adlerstam and Malin Nyman, are both active in the SNOBS chorus the Northerns Stars Chorus. Anna also directs Pearls of the Sound, is the SAI category specialist judge in the Visual Communication category and sings in the quartets the Hillbillys and Top Gun. Anna´s husband Henrik (former long time President of SNOBS) founded this show in 2010 as well as the the scholarship and award in conjunction with the show, to honor Olle.

The show

Call for Applications: Olle Nyman Memorial Show – May 2, Helsingborg Arena

As part of the European Barbershop Championships, we invite barbershop groups / singing ensembles to apply to be part of the entertainment at the Olle Nyman Memorial Show, taking place on May 2, 2025 at the Helsingborg Arena. This special 90-minute show will celebrate barbershop music with a diverse and entertaining lineup, featuring special guest artists and the announcement of the prestigious Olle Nyman Memorial Awards. This will not be in a contest format, so all kind of music is all allowed, however the audience will help to crown the most entertaining performance of the show.

How to Apply

All groups interested in a spot on the show should submit an application including:

  • The song(s) you wish to perform
  • The duration of each song
  • Optional: If you have a broad repertoire and are open to performing different songs, please include a list of additional options. The program committee reserves the right to select specific songs to ensure a varied and engaging show.

Selection Process

The Olle Nyman Memorial Show Program Committee will review all applications and select the final lineup. Groups will be notified at least one month before the event if they have been chosen to perform.

Application Deadline

Please send your application to info@ollenyman.com no later than March 15.

We look forward to receiving your applications and creating an unforgettable evening of barbershop harmony in memory of Olle Nyman! 🎶

Visitor Guide

Where and When

Join us at the Helsingborg Arena for the Olle Nyman Memorial Show on May 2, 20:00-21:30.

FREE ENTRANCE - but please donate to the fund for helping promote barbershop in the Nordic countries!.



Olle Nyman Memorial Awards

Olle Nyman Memorial Award is a yearly award given to a true source of inspiration. An inspiration on the barbershop scene within this organization.



Bengt Thaysen, a dedicated leader, mentor, and entertainer whose unwavering commitment, generosity, and passion have shaped the SNOBS organization.



Rasmus Krigström is a visionary whose talent and leadership have elevated barbershop, inspiring generations through Ringmasters and...



Jonas Rasmusson has built Denmark’s barbershop scene, inspiring singers through HusAar, Danish Invasion, and his unwavering dedication to the art form.



Guran—thank you for being Olle’s best friend throughout his life. True friendships are not a given.



Andy Petsonk is the stardust of SNOBS, a dedicated and invaluable force behind the scenes, ensuring the organization’s success with his commitment, expertise, and passion.



Henrik led SNOBS for 15 years, shaping Swedish and European barbershop through leadership, advocacy, and musical excellence.



Lars Holmström, founder of Helsingborg Barbersboys and Pearls of the Sound, is honored for his dedication to barbershop, education, and youth development in Sweden.



Håkan Åkerstedt, a pioneer of Swedish barbershop and SNOBS’ first president, played a key role in establishing and expanding the art form in Sweden.



Lars-Erik Bonnedahl, a dedicated singer and supporter of Swedish barbershop, has contributed to friendship, music, and Sweden’s success on the international stage through his commitment and generosity.



Ringmasters, the first Swedish male quartet to win the International Championship, have inspired youth worldwide and made history in Swedish barbershop.



Doug Harrington successfully built a top international SNOBS chorus, leading it to multiple European, Nordic, and international barbershop championships since its formation in 2006.



Jan Alexandersson has revolutionized the visual experience of barbershop music, elevating Swedish and international performances with his creativity, bold vision, and innovative choreography.



Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl is a key figure in Swedish and international barbershop, leading the renowned Rönninge Show Chorus, coaching worldwide, and inspiring generations through her dedication to the art form.



The first recipient was actually Olle Nyman himself. We wanted to honor him with this price for his large contributions, for inspiring, loving and spreading Barbershop in Sweden.

Olle Nyman Stipendiefond


För att främja utvecklingen av Barbershop, den sångform som Olle Nyman var en stor del av att hämta från USA och etablera här i Norden, har en stipendiefond skapats.

Ur denna fond går det att årligen söka ett stipendium på maximalt 7 000 kr. Då Olle var en eldsjäl både vad gäller manlig och kvinnlig barbershopsång är fonden avsedd för både män och kvinnor.

Fondens BG nr är 5758-5697 (SNOBS), där insättningar i valfri storlek märkta ”Olle Nymans Minnesfond” går att göra. Fonden särredovisas i SNOBS räkenskaper och medlen i denna kan användas endast enligt förvaltarnas (se nedan) godkännande. Fonden skall förvaltas så att en rimligt god avkastning kan förväntas, dock ej på sådant sätt att behållningen i fonden äventyras genom spekulationer.

I framtiden kan det hända att aktiviteter med barbershopanknytning hålls, där överskottet går till denna fond.


• Ansökan ska avse kostnadstäckning för en utbildande barbershopaktivitet. I efterhand skall kvitton kunna uppvisas för kostnaderna.

• Den sökande, man eller kvinna, ska vid ansökningstidpunkten ha varit medlem i SNOBS eller Sweet Adelines NLR 32 under minst ett år.

• Stipendium beviljas för en summa som avgörs av förvaltarna av stipendiefonden (d v s SNOBS styrelse & ordförande jämte Anna, Malin & Ulla Nyman eller deras efterlevande). Maximal summa att erhålla uppgår till 7 000 kr per ansökningstillfälle. Fler än en stipendiat kan utses vid varje tillfälle.

• Stipendiaten ska vara bosatt i något av de Nordiska länderna.

• Stipendium utdelas företrädesvis till sökande under 26 år för att stimulera barbershopsång bland ungdomar, men äldre sökande beaktas givetvis också.

• Stipendium kan sökas under perioden 15/5-1/4 varje kalenderår. Ansökan skall skickas till någon av fondens förvaltare eller SNOBS ordförande senast den 1/4.

• Stipendiat som inte deltagit i aktiviteten som ansökan avser eller jämförlig aktivitet, blir skyldig att betala tillbaka stipendiet.

• I ansökan skall noggrant anges sökandes bakgrund inom musik i allmänhet samt inom barbershop, därutöver även personuppgifter och till vad stipendiet skall användas.

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Olle Nyman Memorial Awards  Full articles

Olle Nyman Memorial Award is a yearly award given to a true source of inspiration. An inspiration on the barbershop scene within this organization.

2024 - Bengt Thysen

Bengt, you are not just a driving force; you are the very backbone of the SNOBS organization.

With your unparalleled enthusiasm and dedication, you have been a role model for all of us. By working behind the scenes and uplifting others, you have shaped and inspired generations of members to strive for excellence. Your boundless generosity and humility have made you a cherished friend and mentor to many.

But you are just as appreciated on stage as you are behind the scenes. As a true entertainer, you have not only captivated audiences at home but also achieved success in Nordic and international competitions. Your artistic talent and ability to spread joy and enthusiasm have made you a beloved figure within the community—both locally and around the world. By sharing your humor and passion for performance, you have not only enriched our lives but also touched hearts across the globe.

However, your contributions go far beyond your artistic achievements. You are a symbol of camaraderie and collaboration, and your deep commitment to the well-being of the organization is unmatched. You have taken on several prestigious roles, including President of SNOBS, with dignity and integrity. But above all, you are a hardworking and dedicated individual who can always be relied upon. Your presence brings joy, and your warmth makes everyone feel welcome and valued.

Today, we celebrate not only Bengt’s incredible accomplishments but also the tireless spirit and golden heart you have shown us throughout the years. You are a true hero and an inspiration for all of us to strive for the best. We are immensely proud to have Bengt as a part of our organization, and we look forward to creating more memories together.

Bengt Thaysen, a true legend within our organization—thank you for everything you have done and continue to do. Your legacy will live on in our hearts forever.

2023 - Rasmus Krigström

Rasmus Krigström, your impact on the barbershop world is nothing short of extraordinary. As a singer, director, and visionary, you have shaped and elevated the art form with unmatched passion, skill, and dedication.

Your journey with Ringmasters set a new standard for excellence, as you and your quartet captured hearts and won prestigious titles, cementing your place among the greats. But your contributions extend far beyond your own performances. As a director, you have led some of the finest ensembles in barbershop history—Zero8, Pearls of the Sound, and Northern Stars—all of which have achieved remarkable success under your guidance. Your ability to inspire singers, refine artistry, and create breathtaking musical moments has left an indelible mark on the global barbershop community.

Receiving the Olle Nyman Memorial Award is a testament to your dedication, leadership, and relentless pursuit of musical excellence. Just like Olle, you have not only mastered the craft but have also shared your knowledge, passion, and spirit with others, ensuring that barbershop continues to thrive for generations to come.

Today, we celebrate your achievements, your artistry, and the joy you bring to the world through music. Congratulations, Rasmus, on this well-deserved honor. Your legacy in barbershop is already legendary, and we are excited to see how you continue to inspire and shape the future of this beautiful art form.

2022 - Jonas Rasmusson

Jonas Rasmusson, your passion and dedication have laid the foundation for the thriving barbershop scene in Denmark. Through your vision and tireless efforts, you have not only built a strong community but also inspired countless singers—especially young voices—to discover the joy of barbershop harmony.

As a key member of HusAar, you have proudly represented Denmark on the international stage, proving that dedication, artistry, and teamwork can lead to remarkable success. But your impact reaches far beyond the quartet. With Danish Invasion, you have created a powerhouse chorus, bringing singers together and elevating barbershop to new heights in your country. Your leadership, mentorship, and ability to ignite a passion for singing in others have left a lasting legacy in the barbershop world.

Receiving the Olle Nyman Memorial Award is a true reflection of your unwavering commitment to spreading harmony and fostering a new generation of singers. Like Olle, you have not only mastered the art form but have also shared it selflessly, ensuring that barbershop continues to grow and thrive.

Today, we honor your contributions, your achievements, and the vibrant musical community you have built. Congratulations, Jonas, on this well-deserved recognition. Your influence on barbershop in Denmark and beyond will resonate for years to come, and we look forward to seeing your passion continue to inspire future generations.

2021 - Göran Edenberg

Olle Nyman Memorial Award is an annual award given to an inspirational figure within the barbershop community. A person who has influenced us all in some way. Someone whose presence has shaped our barbershop scene—without them, it simply wouldn't be the same.

This is the eleventh year we are presenting the award, and the first recipient was Olle himself, posthumously.

This year, we are honoring what is likely Olle's very first friend, first companion, and first musical colleague.

This year, the Olle Nyman Memorial Award goes to Göran "Guran" Edenberg.

Some things might just be meant to happen. Who knows? But in 1955, 65 years ago, Olle and Guran met for the first time. They were 13 years old and played jazz together at Nalen, Gazell, or Stampen. I don’t remember exactly where—but you do, Guran. What I do remember is how pleased my dad was when he told me about it, how thrilled he was to be allowed in a nightclub when his older siblings weren’t—because he and his friend Guran had a “job.” They were playing. A little cocky, I think.

Your musical career started there, and I’d like to believe that’s when your friendship began as well. You have stayed side by side all these years, and I truly got to witness your friendship when Guran joined Good Time Singers as a baritone sometime in the 1980s.

I honestly think my dad had some sort of "man crush" on you, Guran. Olle was tall and big, sure, but he had a rather light voice and barely any body hair. I believe he saw you, Guran, as the ultimate, stereotypical man. You had hair everywhere, a great physique, and sex appeal. I remember many stories about trips to the U.S., and my dad always spoke so highly and admiringly of you. That was true friendship.

When it comes to singing, you were the one who truly taught me what a great baritone is. In my world, a truly great baritone should always be present but never heard. And you were the first male baritone I could never hear. So, thank you for teaching me what a true baritone should be.

In your demeanor, you are a quintessential baritone, Guran. You are always there, filling the space, yet you let others shine. That need—to be the loudest, the most seen—doesn’t seem as strong in you. You have always, in my eyes, appeared extremely content and secure. Those are wonderful qualities to have. And not least, you are caring. Every birthday and anniversary of my dad’s passing, you have reached out to me, Malin, and Mom. Every year since my dad passed away. You truly care about people, and that is a beautiful quality.

Guran, thank you for enriching our barbershop scene for all these years—and for continuing to do so. You are still an active member and singer. Thank you for sharing your music and your voice. But most of all—thank you for being Olle’s best friend throughout his life. True friendships are not a given. It is a great joy to present this award to you.

2019 Andy Petsonk

This is the tenth year we are awarding astonishing people and past recipients, for mention a few, has been Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl, Doug Harrington, the Ringmasters and Janne Alexandersson. We call them our supernovas. All stars that have been and still are shining strong on the barbershop scene and on this organization.

But you can´t have supernovas without stardust. And if you look up the definition of stardust you´ll see: a magical or charismatic quality or feeling. This years recipient has this quality.

You don´t always need the be the strongest and most shining star to fill up the sky. It could actually be the opposite. Because an organization moves forward with a lot of help by engaged and hard working individuals. Individuals who maybe not always are being seen on the stage but are year after year working on the foundation of the organization, making it strong and building high quality. Unconditional commitment is a beautiful thing. And this years recipient has also a lot of that.

Andy Petsonk has been part of SNOBS for 24 years. Been very successful in first Stockholm Chord Masters and then the EntertainMen. He has competed at International stage, in European and Nordic championships with many gold and silver medals. But besides all those fine jewelry he has always been a co-worker in the convention team. Making sure, that actually the most important job, all the technique behind our judging system works. Andy has not only been a great asset for all of us in the organization, he has on his own initiative taking responsibility for many tasks. Making sure everything has run as smoothly as possible.

Andy – you are the stardust of SNOBS. You bring your magic to this convention and to this organization. Thank you for everything you do.

2018 Henrik Rosenberg

This year (2018) we celebrate 50 years of barbershop being in Sweden. Formally we know of barbershop here since 1968, that is. Little did our Olle Nyman recepient know that he would contribute so much to this organization, when he was born that very same year. Our prize-taker has been your - and our - President for the last 12 years. He has done so much for this organization!

Henrik has been, and still is, a driving force in this organization. He has been President for SNOBS since 2006, but he has also devoted time to do a lot for barbershop in Europe, which many of you might not know. He helped the French organization FRABS to form, he helped the Italian organization BAFFI take form, and has lend his hand to other formations over the years. During these 12 years he has been a strong voice in the European council making friends and promoting SNOBS and Swedish barbershop. He has been our voice out there, he´s an amazing PR person. Making his voice heard and making sure that SNOBS always has a spot at the front table. Henrik is a person we can trust. He takes care of business and he´s fearless of getting into a fight for us in SNOBS and those he represent. For our best interest. Henrik, you are the driving force of making the next European convention taking place in Sweden in 2021. And we are so looking forward to that event!

Now you might think that a presidential person like Henrik is all about administration, but he has during this time also being very active in singing. He´s such an early adopter of new concepts. Early on he saw the possibilities of mixed singing and made sure he had to be part of that. He started the quartet Tarzan & Jane and made sure he won the first international gold medal in that competiton form. Now he just started the Northern Stars chorus! He early on became an ”outer”, a dual member in Zero8, Voices of Gotham (USA), Tuxedo Junction (UK) or the Entertainmen. He´s sung with the queens men in Hawaii at Sweet Adelines international. He joined a British quartet and competed with them as ”Need for a Swede”. He started his first quartet Quarterstones in 2003 and he´s still active in both Backbeat, Mayor&Mayonnaise and HelsingVoice.

He has competed at International numerous times and has sung all voice parts on that stage.

For the last 10 years, Henrik has been a very active member of World Harmony Council. He have been the producer of the World Harmony Jamboree show for those years. Making sure groups outside of north america have had a chance to show their performances. It's a tremendous job. He´s running meetings at every Internationals making sure everyone knows SNOBS is a player to count on at the international stage. He has promoted every Swedish performer during these years. Early on he helped young guys like Ringmasters or Lemon Squeezy on their journey to the very top. Henrik loves SNOBS, he loves Swedish barbershop and we are thankful for it.

Last of all, Henrik was the initiator of the Olle Nyman Memorial Show, 8 years ago. He came up with the idea of a scholarship fund. He even started this prize and suggested the first prize should go to Olle Nyman. Thanks Henrik!

2017 Lars Holmström

Årets Olle Nyman Memorial Award tilldelas en person som är grundare till inte bara en utan två körer i Sverige. Första kören startades 1983 och bestod av ett gäng skolungdomar. Fyra år senare, 1987, stod minst lika många ivriga skolungdomar men nu av det kvinnliga slaget även de redo för att bemästra barbershopen. Körerna döptes till Helsingborg Barbersboys och Pearls of the Sound. Körerna grundades och leddes av inte bara en körledare utan även en lärare och pedagog som alltid brunnit för utbildning och utveckling, inte minst av ungdomar.

2017 års Olle Nyman Memorial Award går till Lars Holmström.

Lasse – tack för att du tog barbershopen till de södra regionerna av Sverige. Tack för att du hade modet och orken att starta inte bara en killkör utan även en tjejkör. Vi är många som har och fortsätter att förvalta ditt arv och vi kommer alltid att vara tacksamma för att du födde och gav oss liv. Vi är många vars liv inte hade varit desamma utan dessa två körer. Det finns en kategori människor som innehar en stor och viktig roll i våra liv och det är alla lärare. Lasse du tillhör och kommer alltid tillhöra den kategorin människor.

2016 Håkan Åkerstedt

Håkan Åkerstedt is an important person for Swedish barbershop. He is one of the driving forces that together with Olle Nyman and a few people managed to get barbershop to get a foothold in Sweden in the 1970s. Håkan sang with Olle in one of the first barbershop quartets, Svenska Barbershopkvartetten. He conducted the first chorus Stockholm Barbershop Chorus, now called the Vocal Vikings and co-founded and directed the Rönninge Barbershop Chorus, today called EntertainMen.

Håkan is one of the founders of our organization SNOBS. He was SNOBS first president and judge of the first barbershop contest in Sweden in 1981. Håkan's passion for barbershop inspired a music teacher, Lars Holmström to start a chorus, Helsingborg BarberBoys in southern Sweden in the early 80’s.

Håkan’s early and passionate commitment to Swedish barbershop is an inspiration to us all and therefore we give the 2016 Olle Nyman Memorial Award to Håkan Åkerstedt!

2015 Lars-Erik Bonnedahl

In 2015 the award went to Olle´s best friend Lars-Erik Bonnedahl. Lars-Erik and Olle met in the 1970´s thru Olles sister Kersti, who at the time worked as a teacher. Kersti´s colleague at school was Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl, Lars-Erik´s wife and Olle, Ulla, Lars-Erik and Britt-Heléne all became friends. Lars-Erik and Olle sang early on in quartets and kept on singing together to the end of Olle´s life. Lars-Erik has always been a singer and have dedicated his time in multiple quartets and his chorus The EntertainMen. But he has also shown great support to Rönninge Show Chorus, Growing Girls, SALT and basically every Swedish quartet, male as female. His generosity shows no boundaries and neither does his proudness of all the Swedish success groups. Last but not least we have all seen Lars-Eriks support when it comes to Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl and her commitment for the barbershop stage. For every barbershop event Lars-Eriks has always been their as her steady rock and because of that we have been able to see Sweden rise as a golden star at the International stage.

2014 Ringmasters

After winning the International Quartet Championship in 2012 as the first male Swedish quartet the award was easy to dedicate this fine quartet. Having stumbled across barbershop in a Simpsons episode, they realized it offered a chance to compete in choral singing and we are very lucky they did. Only five months after Ringmasters had formed in the fall of 2006, they placed third in the Nordic Barbershop Contest. The same summer they placed tenth at the International Collegiate Quartet Contest in Denver. They won the same contest in Nashville the next year. In 2009 they placed fourth with the big boys in Anaheim.

Ringmasters is a huge inspiration to all the youth in both Sweden and all over the world. Becoming the first non-native speaking English quartet winning International is a huge deal and Ringmasters will always play an important role in the history of Swedish barbershop.

2013 Doug Harrington

For his success in building a top International SNOBS chorus. The group took form in 2006 under the initiative of chorus Director Doug Harrington. Since then the chorus is a real success story.

International 4th place Bronze 2012, 5th plaze Bronze 2014. European Barbershop Champions 2009 & 2013, Nordic Barbershop Champions 2008-2016!

2012 Jan Alexandersson

Jan Alexandersson has changed the presentation and visual experience of how we enjoy barbershop music, not only in Sweden but at the international arena. He has basically been involved in every Swedish success since the past decade turning musical pieces into breathtaking visual performances. Jan Alexandersson does not think like all the other choreographers and visual leaders. He has the willingness to take risk with his creativity and push the different barbershop groups to the fullest. For his creative mind and contribution in barbershop we happily give Jan Alexandersson the 2012 memorial award.

2011 Britt-Helené Bonnedahl

Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl is today one of the key figures in Swedish barbershop for both men and women! She leads one of the world's best female barbershop choruses Rönninge Show Chorus, coach’s quartets and choruses on a daily basis around the world and hold international training in the song form of barbershop.

Britt-Heléne started her barbershop career in 1976 in the female barbershop chorus Telge Chorus. In 1982 Britt-Helene started along with a few others from the chorus a new chorus Rönninge Sweet Adelines today called Rönninge Show Chorus. As their conductor, she has successfully led the chorus to a number of wins and the chorus compete today at top 5 in the international competitions. She is also well-established vocal coach who daily coach quartets and choruses around the world, from Sweden, England to Japan. As member of the International Faculty of Sweet Adelines International she educates women around the world in the song form of barbershop.

Britt-Heléne is a true source of inspiration that continues to inspire and educate in our song form, and therefore we give the 2011 Olle Nyman Memorial Award for Britt-Heléne Bonnedahl!

2010 Olle Nyman

The first recipient was actually Olle Nyman himself. We wanted to honor him with this price for his large contributions, for inspiring, loving and spreading Barbershop in Sweden.